The God Minute
Learn more about The God Minute at www.TheGodMinute.org.
The God Minute is a short, daily Christian prayer that weaves peaceful music, scripture and a reflection to bless your day with the Lord. It is around 10 minutes. Take a few God Minutes each morning and see how your day rises in abundance. A Catholic devotional by the Congregation of the Mission - the Vincentians.
The God Minute
Jan 30 - Fixate not on the law, but on Jesus
The God Minute
Scripture: John 5:39 "You have never heard the Father's voice, nor seen His form, nor does His word dwell in you. For you do not believe the one He sent. You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in there you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me. Yet, you refuse to believe."
Reflector: Fr. Ron
Music: "Be Not Afraid"